「這是持久性的,需要耐力和耐心,才能看到長遠的結果。 每天都要堅持不懈地工作。It’s that level of persistence, endurance, and that patience that you need to have in order to see long term results. Put in consistent work every single day.」-周伯豪(Pak Hou Chau)

周伯豪是一位23歲的企業家,投資者和演說家。 自16歲成為企業家以來,周伯豪已建立了五家消費類科技創業公司,並成功賣出了其中兩家。 周伯豪還是個人發展愛好者,生產力專家,一個個人組織顧問和終極的人類學信徒。
在這一集中,周伯豪將分享作為一個年輕的連續創業家的大量經驗和教訓。 分享重大的得失如何令他在職業和個人發展上成為最強的人。 學會在現實生活中防止金錢影響您的自我和判斷力。

Pak Hou Chau is a 23-year-old entrepreneur, investor, and speaker. Since becoming an entrepreneur at the age of 16, Pak has built five consumer tech startups and has successfully exited two of them. Pak is also a personal development enthusiast, a productivity expert, a personal organization consultant, and the ultimate believer in humanity.

During this episode, Pak Hou Chau will share the massive lessons learned as a young serial entrepreneur. Find out how the major wins and losses made him the strongest person possible both professionally and personally. Learn to prevent money from affecting your ego and judgment while living with a true life purpose.



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時間戳記Time Stamps :

02:03 –周伯豪的介紹和創業背景
Pak Ho’s introduction and startup background

04:18 –「這是持久性的,需要耐力和耐心,才能看到長遠的結果。 每天都要堅持不懈地工作。It’s that level of persistence, endurance, and that patience that you need to have in order to see long term results. Put in consistent work every single day.」 –周伯豪

07:00 –創業公司的風風雨雨
The ups and downs of startups

16:16 –「讓你的世界視野變得寬廣,因此原本就是雞毛蒜皮的小問題,根本不是那麼嚴重。 獲得更多觀點角度。Widen your world view a little so your first world problem doesn’t seem so big anymore. Get more perspective.」 –周伯豪

17:02 –達到你父親的期望
Living up to your father’s expectations

23:38 – 周伯豪的第三家創業公司,滑板愛好者的平台
A platform for skateboarders, Pak’s third startup

36:09 –金錢如何影響你的自我和判斷力
How money affects your ego and judgment

41:34 –從創業失敗中得到的力量
The power of losing in entrepreneurship

45:50 –「做你自己。 不要試圖將自己與其他人進行比較。Be yourself. Don’t try to compare yourself to someone else.」 –周伯豪

47:46 –極簡生活和追求真正的生活
Living as a minimalist & living with a true life purpose

Categories: Kevin Shee Show

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